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Performance tips
Here are some tips to get the best performance from your Coppermine gallery. It covers changes you can make to both Coppermine's configuration and your server configuration (if you have access to that of course).
Configuration settings
Many of the configuration options have performance implications. Some features can cause load issues when used on large galleries or galleries that are structured in an unusual way.
The general advice is to disable any feature you don't actually make use of and to keep any numeric options sane.
Things that increase server load generally
Things that can cause load spikes on specific pages. If you are on a shared server you should avoid creating load spikes.
Allow ZIP-download of favorites
Creating zip files on the server is resource intensive.
Enable clickable keywords in search
Loading the list of clickable keywords can take some time if you have a lot of them.
Process concurrency for batch-add interface
Keep this small; a value of 1 is best to keep load down when batch adding.
Display preview thumbnails on batch-add interface
Building the preview thumbs can be resource intensive.
Comments per page
If you have a lot of comments make sure this is set to something reasonable. Having 1000 comments displayed on one page will cause it to load slowly.
Method for resizing images
If you use GD you may hit PHP resource limits. If you use ImageMagick you can evade some resource restrictions since it runs outside PHP.
Read EXIF data in JPEG files
If this is enabled the image will take longer to load the first time it is accessed as the EXIF data is read.
Watermarking your images on the server will use more resources. Watermark before uploading if possible.
Offloading your email sending to another server or provider may help. Effectiveness of this depends on how many email related features you use.
Server settings
There are some settings that are not directly related to coppermine, but to the webserver. If you're webhosted, you usually can't manipulate them. Changing your server setup goes unsupported on the coppermine support board. However, it's recommended to look into those settings as well - maybe your webhost can change things for you.
PHP settings
If you have control over your server you can improve Coppermine's performance by adjusting your PHP configuration.
Use the latest version
Use the latest stable version for best performance - PHP 5.2 is much faster than previous versions.
Use a PHP accelerator
These can cut page load times by 40% or so. Note: Coppermine won't use any data caching ability but will benefit from bytecode caching. See list at Wikipedia.
MySQL settings
If you have control over your server you can improve Coppermine's performance by adjusting your MySQL configuration.
Use the latest version
Use the latest stable version for best performance.
Enable the query cache
This helps both reduce server load and page load time.
Tune the configuration
Use a tool like MySQLTuner or to tweak MySQL for your usage patterns.
OPTIMIZE your database tables
Running an OPTIMIZE on your database tables using phpMyAdmin can help improve performance, especially after major updates to your gallery's content. You don't have to be the server admin to perform this query - it will suffice to have the permission to execute that query (which is the case for most users on shared hosting as well).
Third party tools
There is a number of third party tools that can help you to improve the performance of your gallery. Please note that the coppermine group is not affiliated with any of those tools nor do we support those tools.
YSlow analyzes web pages and tells you why they're slow based on the rules for high performance web sites. YSlow is a Firefox add-on integrated with the popular Firebug web development tool.
By adding an .htaccess file containing the following code into your Coppermine gallery directory you can apply some of these suggestions. If you do not use Apache as your webserver you will need to find the corresponding configuration settings for your webserver of choice. If your site no longer works after making these changes you can simply rename or delete the .htaccess file.
3. Add an Expires header
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault "access plus 2 weeks"
ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 1 seconds"
4. Gzip components
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript text/javascript text/css text/html text/xml
Coppermine doesn't work very well with output compression, as it was not built with that in mind: it jumps in and out of output buffering quite frequently, that's why it probably doesn't work very well with output compression.
13. Configure ETags
FileETag none