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Gustav Machine Gun Demonstrations and Manuals771 viewsPlate three is a copy negative showing the gun cocking piece cap recoil spring. Dec 09, 2013

Gustav Machine Gun Demonstrations and Manuals783 viewsPlate two is a copy from an illustrated manual demonstrating cocking the piece cap recoil spring. Dec 09, 2013

Gustav Machine Gun Demonstrations and Manuals808 viewsPlate one is a copy from an illustrated manual showing the carrying and firing positions for a Gustav machine gun.Dec 09, 2013

Group Portrait of Sinn Fein Office750 viewsGlass plate copy negative of a portrait taken outdoors showing members of the Sinn Fein office. Michael Collins and Desmond Fitzgerald are both present.Dec 09, 2013

Group photograph of army officers869 viewsGlass plate negative of eight army officers, possibly British, standing in a line with swords.Dec 09, 2013

Brigadier General George Adamson and Letter Signed by Eamonn Ceannt827 viewsGlass plate copy negative of a photograph and a letter. The photograph shows Brigadier General George Adamson and another member of the Free State Army standing by a cannon. The photograph appears to be have been dated 22 April 1922 and then altered to read 25 April 1922. The letter appears to be dated 10 February 1914.Dec 09, 2013

Troops in Open Group Shot862 viewsGlass plate negative showing two photographs, the first of which includes eight Free State soldiers, seven of which are carrying weapons, the second image is damaged beyond repair however a part of vehicle and part of a person can be seen in the image.Dec 09, 2013

318 viewsDec 03, 2013

301 viewsDec 03, 2013

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295 viewsDec 03, 2013

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324 viewsDec 03, 2013

Letter to John Curran From the Aviation Department837 viewsGlass plate copy negative of a letter from Captain Charles F. Russell to John Curran of 46 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin. The letter concerns a request Curran has made to transfer from his current unit in the department of aviation.Dec 03, 2013

Extracts From R.A.F. Documents Re Departure of R.A.F. from Baldonnel in 1922786 viewsGlass plate copy positive showing cuttings relating to the departure of the R.A.F. from Irish aviation bases.Dec 03, 2013

Air Corps Apprentices Lieut. Peterson781 viewsGlass plate negative of a group photo of Air Corps apprentices and Lieutenant Peterson taken in front of a hangar in Baldonnel.Dec 03, 2013

Group Photo Outside Hangar "C"768 viewsGlass plate copy of a group of Air Corp personnel posed outside an aircraft hangarDec 03, 2013

Group Photo in Hangar768 viewsGlass plate copy of a group photograph of Air Corps personnel posed in an aircraft hangar.Dec 03, 2013

Group Photo Troops in Front of Old Hut Air Corps774 viewsGlass plate copy negative showing a group shot in front of a hut in Baldonnel. Colonel Fitzmaurice appears to be seated in the front row.Dec 03, 2013

Group Photo Troops in Front of Old Hut Air Corps734 viewsGlass plate copy negative showing a group shot in front of a hut in Baldonnel. Colonel Fitzmaurice appears to be seated in the front row.Dec 03, 2013

Presentation to Cadets by their hosts at Fort Meyer, Arlington1673 viewsOfficer Commanding 3rd Infantry (The Old Guard) Fort Meyer presented the Cadets with a mounted and framed photograph. (image courtesy of Col Nott)Nov 20, 2013

Cadets outside their quarters at Fort Meyer1510 views(Image courtesy of Col Nott)Nov 20, 2013

Cadets at Dublin Airport1670 views"The Cadets then marched at the slope to deposit their rifles in the aircraft." Military Archives T/220 'Diary of Participation by Cadets'. (Image courtesy of Cadet School and Cpl P. Fogarty retd.)Nov 20, 2013

Cadets at graveside1645 views"And then as the noise of their engine [75 jet fighters] faded away, sharp commands in Gaelic ringing over the sunlit slopes of Arlington announced to the world that Ireland was paying her final tribute to President John F. Kennedy." Military Archives T/220 'Diary of Participation by Cadets' (Image courtesy of Cadet School and Cpl P. Fogarty retd.)Nov 20, 2013

Cadets at graveside1701 viewsCadets salute with arms as American service personnel convey President Kennedy's remains to the graveside (Image courtesy of the Cadet School and Cpl P Fogarty retd.)Nov 20, 2013

Cadets standing at the foot of Kennedy's grave, Arlington National Cemetery1795 viewsA rehearsal was held at Arlington at 0800 hrs on the day of the funeral. When Lt Col Mattimoe asked what the Cadets were requested to do he was told "We want you to take up position at the foot of the grave and just do what you did at Arbour Hill." (Image courtesy of Cadet School and Cpl P. Fogarty retd.)Nov 20, 2013

Rehearsal2459 viewsPhotograph taken by battalion photographer, 1st Battalion 3rd Infantry (Old Guard), US Army on the day of Kennedy's funeral. (Image courtesy of Col Nott)Nov 20, 2013

Cadets from 37th Class en route to Arlington1868 views(Courtesy of the Cadet School and Cpl P Fogarty retd.)Nov 20, 2013

Summary of Air Corps 1931-1932901 viewsGlass plate copy negative of a table listing the numbers of officers, NCOs and privates for the years 1931 to 1932.Nov 16, 2013

Possibly British Army Officers and NCOs725 viewsUnidentified British Army Officers and NCOs posing with a number of cups.Nov 16, 2013

Aircraft Log Books for Bristol Fighter I, Bristol fighter III and the Big Fella813 viewsPlate two shows the arrival of Bristol Fighter III on the same day and contains a similar entry relating to the issue of the aircraft to Major General Dalton.Nov 16, 2013

Aircraft Log Books for Bristol Fighter I, Bristol fighter III and the Big Fella843 viewsPlate one shows the arrival of Bristol Fighter I to the Provisional Irish Government. The book states " Issued to Major General Dalton - Chas F. Russell Capt D.C.A. Commanding Eastern District for Provisional Government of Ireland " and is dated 5 of July 1922.Nov 16, 2013

Aircraft Log Books for Bristol Fighter I, Bristol fighter III and the Big Fella753 viewsPlate three shows the arrival of the Martinsyde Type A "The Big Fella" to Baldonnel Aerodrome on 16 June 1922. The note is signed by Charles F Russell Captain DCA.Nov 16, 2013

Civillian Posing in Front of Car Outside Officer's Mess Baldonnel853 viewsOne glass plate negative of a man, possibly an officer in civillian attire posing in front of his car. There are several tri-colour flags in the front of the car.Nov 16, 2013

Group Photo Officers and Civillians (Hats Off)736 viewsGlass plate copy negative of a row of senior officers and civilians standing in a row holding their hats in what appears to be a mark of respect. It appears to show Oscar Traynor second from left. The subject which they are looking at is not visible from the photograph. Other officers are visible in the background also holding their hat in their hands.Nov 16, 2013

Two couples890 viewsGlass plate copy negative of two couples posing in a studio for a portrait. The couples are in formal civilian dress.Nov 16, 2013

Fitzmaurice and other Air Corps Personnel in Front of Aircraft1153 viewsGlass plate copy negative of officers of the Irish Air Corps standing in front of a Bristol Fighter. Officers are named from left to right: Lorcan C. Gogan, John Hume, Oscar A. Heron, Edward F. Stapleton, William P. Delamere, James C. Fitzmaurice, Daniel J. McKeown, Nicholas E. Fogarty, Frederick S. Crossley, Dr. Theo McWeeney, Serge Barnes, Arthur G. Russell, Gerard J. Carroll, Bryan McSweeney, Patrick F. McGrath and Timothy J. Prenderville.Nov 16, 2013

Portrait Sketch, An tÓglach magazine843 viewsGlass plate copy negative of a pencil sketch of the Adjutant General Gearóid Ó Súilleabháin by Frank Leah. Many of these sketch portraits appeared on the front covers of An tÓglach magazine in 1923 and this sketch featured on the cover of the 24th March 1923 edition. Leah has autographed the sketch in the top left. Nov 16, 2013

Historical Uniform779 viewsGlass plate negative image taken at Greenmount Oil Company, Harold's Cross, Dublin featuring Company Director Mr Dobbyn, Laurence J. Kettle (member of Uniform Sub Committee) and George Walsh, IV Battalion, Kimmage company, May 1914. Kettle models uniform approved by appointed Sub-Committee (comprised of Eoin MacNeill and Laurence J. Kettle). A print copy of this image is also located in PRCN/0028/01/027, George Walsh Papers, Military Archives. Nov 16, 2013

Ancillary Section, Air Corps, Capt O'Shea833 viewsGlass plate copy negative of a group portrait of ancillary section Air Corps personnel including Captain O'Shea posing in tiered rows in front of a hangar at Baldonnel.Nov 16, 2013

Reserve Troops and Armoured Lorry Outside City Hall 1922864 viewsGlass plate copy negative of reserve troops and an armoured Lancia APC outside City Hall on Dame Street. Troops are pictured standing on the steps of City Hall and along the street in front of the building. At least two men are visible inside the Lancia APC. The top of the lorry has been covered with a wire mesh. Several civilians are pictured walking past in the street and one boy with his hands in his pockets appears to be looking directly at the camera. A caption on the top of the picture reads: " RESERVES - Troops and armoured lorry of the National Army outside the City Hall in readiness for a call to the firing line. (FREEMAN photo) 1922"Nov 16, 2013

Re-Organisation of Air Services809 viewsPlate three shows the Air Corps headquarters organisation chart.Nov 16, 2013

Re-Organisation of Air Services834 viewsPlate two shows the June 1923 organisation of the Air Corps officers showing the names of each rank. Nov 16, 2013
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