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Slope Arms position 3 1241 viewsGlass plate negative showing an enlisted soldier demonstrating the correct position to hold the Lee Enfield rifle while conducting the third movement of the "Slope Arms" command. For instructional purposes each command would be broken down into parts, each part would of been photographed and inserted into an instructional manual.Jun 24, 2014
Trail Arms correct position1163 viewsGlass plate negative showing an enlisted soldier demonstrating the correct position to hold the Lee Enfield rifle once given the command to "Trail Arms". Taken in November 1924.Jun 24, 2014
Present Arms(1924 Drill)1277 viewsGlass plate negative showing an enlisted soldier "presenting arms" with a Lee Enfield rifle November 1924.Jun 24, 2014
The salute with rifle1444 viewsGlass plate negative showing a soldier demonstrating the salute with arms.Photographed under supervision of Colonel P O'Connor and Major T Lalor of the Training and Operations branch at the tennis grounds in General Head Quarters on the 1st May 1925.Jun 24, 2014
RPRMC Disbandment Parade1022 viewsGlass plate negative showing General Mulcahy and Major Russell, O/C RPRMC, inspection the soldiers of the RPRMC at their Disbandment parade sometime in 1924.Jun 24, 2014
RPRMC Disbandment Parade1024 viewsGlass plate negative showing General Mulcahy and General McMahon receiving the National flag and unit Colours at the Disbandment Parade for the RPRMC.Jun 24, 2014
RPRMC Disbandment Parade.1376 viewsGeneral Mulcahy on the review stand saluting as the RPRMC march past at the Disbandment parade in 1924.Jun 24, 2014
The Salvage Corps inside a hanger in Tallaght Aerodrome.864 viewsGlass plate negative showing soldiers from the Salvage Corps placing salvaged materials inside a hangar at Tallaght Aerodrome. For more information see an article titled "The Salvage Corps" An tÓglách, Volume 6, No 1 (New Series) 5th May 1923, pages 3 - 6.Jun 24, 2014
The Salvage Corps demolishing a British Army rest camp.1389 viewsGlass plate negative showing soldiers of the Salvage Corps demolishing a British Army Rest Camp near the London and North Western Hotel in North Wall, Dublin. For more information see an article titled "The Salvage Corps" in An tÓglách, Volume 6, No 1 (New Series) 5th May 1923, pages 3 - 6.Jun 24, 2014
A repair train preparing to leave Cork City.1337 viewsGlass plate negative showing two soldiers from the RPRMC preparing to leave Cork City. Taken sometime between 1922 and 1924Jun 24, 2014
"Old Lime Pit" lookout post in the south of Ireland.1168 viewsGlass plate negative showing an "Old Lime Pit" at Rathduff in County Cork. This was a sentry position overlooking a double railway. Six soldiers with Lee Enfield Rifles can be seen providing over-watch security for the train crossing the bridge at their location. An Officer can be seen overlooking the sentries ensuring they are providing adequate over-watch.For more information see An tÓglách Volume 1 No 5 (new Series) 21st April 1923.Jun 24, 2014
Repairing the Douglas Viaduct, Cork.1329 viewsGlass plate negative showing soldiers from the Railway Protection, Repair and Maintenance Corps repairing the Douglas Viaduct in Cork that was damaged during the Civil War. For more information see An tOglach Vol 1 No 5 (new Series) 21st April 1923.Jun 24, 2014
Repairing a damaged railway.975 viewsGlass plate negative showing soldiers from the Railway Protection, Repair and Maintenance Corps repairing the Douglas Viaduct railway bridge in Cork which was damaged during the Civil War.For more information see An tOglach Volume 1 No 5 (new Series) 21 April 1923.Jun 24, 2014
An armoured train.988 viewsGlass plate negative showing a flat wagon with an armoured protective housing, a 0-6-0 steam locomotive and a six wheeled brake wagon.Jun 24, 2014
Field Kitchen on the Railway line.937 viewsGlass plate negative showing a field kitchen on the railway line. A soldier from the Railway Protection, Repair and Maintenance Corps can be seen preparing a meal for the troops. This glass plate negative was used in the April 1923 An tÓglac, Volume 1 publication.Jun 24, 2014
Guarding the Railways 1150 viewsGlass plate negative showing soldiers from the Railway Protection, Repair and Maintenance Corps (RPRMC) constructing a protected dugout trench using sandbags and shovels, beside a railway line. These soldiers are being supervised by an armed Officer carrying a pistol.Jun 24, 2014
Wolfe Tone Commemoration, Bodenstown, County Kildare, 1926981 viewsA unit on Parade during the Wolfe Tone Commemoration in 1926. The soldiers in the rear are presenting arms with rifles while the Officers in the front are in the process of conducting the salute with sword.May 14, 2014
Wolfe Tone Commemoration, Bodenstown, County Kildare, 1926784 viewsA General Officer in Command and his Staff saluting beside a gravestone during a Wolfe Tone commemoration in 1926.May 14, 2014
Wolfe Tone Commemoration, Bodenstown, County Kildare, 1926876 viewsA General Officer in Command and his Staff standing to attention beside a gravestone during a Wolfe Tone commemoration in 1926.May 14, 2014
Firing party preparing to fire a volley of shots at Arbour Hill Barracks1121 viewsGuard of honour at Arbour Hill Barracks, standinf to the front is a firing party preparing to fire a volley of shots, taken during a ceremony to commemorate the execution of the 1916 rising leaders sometime in the 1920s.May 14, 2014
Guard of honour standing at attention Arbour Hill835 viewsGuard of honour standing to attention just after being inspected by an Officer who is marching to a group of Officers in the foreground standing to attention. Taken during a ceremony at Arbour Hill Barracks sometime in the 1920s.May 14, 2014
Ceremonial parade at Arbours Hill Barracks on the 10th anniversary of the the execution of IRA leaders 19161144 viewsGlass plate negative showing troops on parade, young buglers playing the last stand and a firing party preparing to fire a volley of shots into the air. Taken in 1926 during the 10th anniversary of the execution of the 1916 rising leaders at Arbour Hill barracks.May 14, 2014
Ceremonial parade at Arbours Hill Barracks on the 10th anniversary of the the execution of IRA leaders 1916898 viewsGlass plate showing troops conducting the present arms while the last sound is being played by the army band behind them during the 10th anniversary of the execution of the 1916 leaders held at Arbour Hill barracks.May 14, 2014
Ceremonial Parade at Arbour Hill Barracks on the 10th anniversary of the the execution of IRA leaders of 1916.946 viewsGlass plate negative showing a firing party and an army band at the graveside of executed IRA leaders of 1916 at Arbour Hill Barracks in 1926May 14, 2014
Arbour Hill 1916 Ceremony967 viewsGlass plate negative showing President De Valera sitting in the front row along with the congregation at Arbour Hill Church during the Arbour Hill 1916 Ceremony. A flag party is present in front of the alter.May 14, 2014
Review Parade, Phoenix Park, 1926749 viewsTroops marching past the saluting base during a military review held in the Phoenix Park in 1926.May 14, 2014
Review Parade, Phoenix Park, 1926838 viewsTroops marching past the saluting base during a military review held in the Phoenix Park in 1926.May 14, 2014
Review Parade Phoenix Park761 viewsA unit of soldiers carrying .303 Lee Enfield rifles, led by an Officer conducting "eyes left" while marching past the saluting stand during a military review held in the Phoenix Park in 1926. May 14, 2014
Review Parade, Phoenix Park, 1926909 viewsGlass plate negative showing the Chief of Staff Peadar MacMahon and General Hogan on horseback inspecting soldiers prior to a march past in the Phoenix Park in 1926.May 14, 2014
Review Parade Phoenix Park893 viewsPart of an Artillery Corps passing the saluting stand during a Military review held in the Phoenix Park on the 11th September 1926, showing Artillery soldiers on horseback pulling horse carts with two Officers sitting in each cart.May 14, 2014
Review Parade, Phoenix Park, 1926792 viewsThree mounted officers in the Phoenix Park, taking during a military review parade held on the 11th September 1926.May 14, 2014
Review parade, Phoenix Park, 1926.920 viewsCeremonial colour party marching towards a review parade which was held in the Phoenix Park on the 11th September 1926.May 14, 2014
President WT Cosgrave with members of government and senior Army officers at Cenotaph, Leinster Lawn785 viewsPresident WT Cosgrave with members of government and senior Army officers at Cenotaph, Leinster Lawn. May 14, 2014
Ceremonial Parade for Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith, 1927793 viewsPresident WT Cosgrave delivering oration immediately after laying a wreath at the Cenotaph, Leinster Lawn.May 14, 2014
Michael Collins, Arthur Griffith and Kevin O'Higgins Commemoration, 1928829 viewsA general view of Cenotaph at Leinster Lawn immediately after President WT Cosgrave deposited a wreath and prior to Soldiers marching past. May 14, 2014
Ceremonial Parade for Michael Collins and Arthur Griffith, 1927811 viewsA firing party under the command of lieut O'Connor, belonging to an Irish speaking Battalion, firing and saluting at the Cenotaph, Leinster Lawn in 1927.May 14, 2014
Michael Collins, Arthur Griffith and Kevin O'Higgins Commemoration, 1928784 viewsThe 4th Battalion saluting and marching past the Cenotaph at Leinster Lawn on the 19th August 1928.May 14, 2014
Arthur Griffith and Michael Collins Commemoration at the Cenotaph, Leinster Lawn, on 17 August 1924859 viewsThe 21st Battalion Marching past the Cenotaph at Leinster Lawn led by Comdt Cunningham.May 14, 2014
The Artillery Salute for Arthur Griffith and Michael Collins Commemoration at the Cenotaph, Leinster Lawn, on 17 August 1924954 viewsGlass plate negative showing an Artillery unit saluting at the Arthur Griffiths and Michael Collins Commemoration held at the Cenotaph on the 17th August 1924. This particular glass plate was used in "An tÓglách" for the 30th August 1924 release, pages 10 - 11.May 14, 2014
Officer sword drill858 viewsGlass plate negative showing a mounted officer with his sword drawn, right arm extended horizontally and sword vertical. Taken at McKee Barracks under the supervision of Captain Flanagan and Captain Dwyer, office in charge on the 12 March 1927.May 14, 2014
Officer sword drill1096 viewsGlass plate negative showing a mounted officer with his sword drawn and extended vertically into the air. Taken at McKee Barracks, Dublin in 1927, for use in a Sword Drill Manual. Conducted under the supervision Comdt scott (Training).May 14, 2014
Officer sword drill945 viewsGlass plate negative showing a unmounted officer with his sword drawn and in the rest position and his head bowed. Sword drill conducted under the supervision of Captain Flanagan and Captain Nolan at McKee Barracks, Dublin on the 12 March 1927.May 14, 2014
Officer sword drill1003 viewsGlass plate negative showing a mounted officer with is sword drawn. Conducted under the supervision of a Captain Nolan at McKee Barracks, Dublin in 1927 for a sword drill manual.May 14, 2014
Officer sword drill1139 viewsGlass plate negative showing an unmounted officer with his sword drawn and his arm extended horizontally to the left side. Taken in McKee Barracks in 1927 for a Sword Drill Manual. Conducted under supervision Comdt Scott.May 14, 2014
Officer sword drill1238 viewsGlass plate negative showing a mounted officer with his sword drawn and being held vertically. Taken in McKee Barracks in 1927 for a Sword Drill Manual. Conducted under the supervision of Comdt Scott.May 14, 2014
Officer sword drill796 viewsGlass plate negative showing a mounted officer on horseback with his sword drawn, arm down by his left side and sword pointing downwards.Conducted under the supervision of Capt Flanagan and Capt Nolan. Taken in McKee Barracks, Dublin in 1927.May 14, 2014
Officer sword drill772 viewsGlass plate negative showing an Officer on horseback with his Sword at the salute, taken in McKee Barracks, Dublin in 1927. Conducted under the supervision of Comdt Scott (Officers' Drill) Capt O'Dwyer and Comdt Ryan.May 14, 2014
Officer sword drill1067 viewsGlass plate negative showing an Officer dismounted with his Sword drawn held vertically in front of his face. Taken in McKee Barracks, Dublin, in 1927. Conducted under the supervision of Comdt Scott (Officers' Drill) Capt O'Dwyer and Comdt Ryan. Possibly used for a sword drill manual.May 14, 2014
Recruits swimming lesson1240 viewsGlass plate negative showing a section of recruits receiving a diving lesson, an instructor can be seen on the left describing what the diver on the diving board is doing.May 14, 2014
Recruits training.1105 viewsGlass plate negative showing a two star corporal giving a lesson to an Officer, a three star private and two recruits on how to check the oil on a Jeep. In the background are some bren gun carriers.May 14, 2014
Cavalry Corps recruits1081 viewsGlass plate negative showing a Cavalry Corps recruit standing on the foot pegs of a BS motorcycle while aiming a Lee Enfield rifle into the air. Possibly taken in Cathal Brugha Barracks between 1930-1960.May 14, 2014
Cavalry Corps recruits1062 viewsGlass plate negative showing a Trooper and a Cavalry Corps recruits sitting facing each other on a motorbike while the Trooper is playing an accordion. Possibly taken in Cathal Brugha Barracks between 1930-1960.May 14, 2014
Naval service recruits, Haulbowline, Cork.1343 viewsGlass plate negative showing a group of Naval Service recruits celebrating at Haulbowline Naval Base in Cork.May 14, 2014
Artillery recruits928 viewsGlass plate negative showing an Officer presenting a group of Artillery recruits to two religious dignitary's sometime between 1943-1960.May 14, 2014
Recruits, Cathal Brugha Barracks, Dublin925 viewsGlass plate negative showing four recruits standing at ease in front of a grotto beside the church in Cathal Brugha Barracks,Dublin, sometime between 1930-1960.May 14, 2014
Naval service recruits904 viewsGlass plate negative showing a naval service Chief Petty Officer demonstrating how to tie rope knots to five recruits sometime in the 1940s.May 14, 2014
Recruits, Cathal Brugha Barracks.1082 viewsGlass plate negative showing six recruits standing at ease at the church in Cathal Brugha Barracks sometime between 1930-1960.May 14, 2014
Recruits training.1153 viewsGlass plate negative showing three recruits being given a lesson on signal equipment from a two star NCO sometime between 1930-1965.May 14, 2014
Recruits, Cathal Brugha Barracks, Dublin.1170 viewsGlass plate negative showing an Infantry Captain shaking hands with a recruit. In the background a Ford Armoured Cars and truck can be seen. Taken in Cathal Brugha Barracks, Dublin, sometime between 1958-1968.May 14, 2014
Infantry recruits, Eastern Brigade, 1958-19681443 viewsA group of eight Infantry Recruits from the Eastern Brigade sitting down on wooden chairs sometime between 1958 and 1968.May 14, 2014
1112 files on 19 page(s) 9