Image search results - " New Ross"

President John F. Kennedy Arbour Hill2022 viewsThe Last Post is sounded at the 1916 Memorial, Arbour Hill. The Cadet Guard of honour from the Military College, under Lieutenant Frank Colclough present arms. The Presidential party featured are Commandant P. Daly, Taoiseach Mr. Sean Lemass, Commandant J. O’Brien (A.D.C. to the Taoiseach), President John F. Kennedy, Colonel M. Hefferon (A.D.C. to President Kennedy) and the Chief of Staff Lt. General S. McKeown, (Courtesy of Brigadier General Colclough).

President John F. Kennedy New Ross1113 viewsPresident John F. Kennedy, enjoying light refreshments with the people of New Ross. (Courtesy of the Irish Times).

An tUachtarán Eamon DeValera and President John F. Kennedy Dublin Airport1094 viewsPresident John F. Kennedy, accompanied by An tUachtarán, Eamon DeValera acknowledges the assembled crowds gathered at Dublin Airport, following the welcome reception on the tarmac of Dublin Airport, (Courtesy of the Irish Times).

An tUachtarán, Eamon DeValera and President John F. Kennedy1084 viewsAn tUachtarán, Eamon DeValera, formally welcomes President John F. Kennedy “A Uachtaráin Uasail. In aimn mhuintir na h-Eireann uile agus thar a gceann cuirim céad míle fáilte romhat […]”, Dublin Airport (Courtesy of the Irish Times).

President John F. Kennedy Dublin Airport1072 viewsPresident John F. Kennedy, accompanied by Captain Byrne and Colonel M. Hefferon (A.D.C. to President Kennedy) concluding inspection of the Guard of Honour drawn from the Eastern Command, Dublin Airport (Courtesy of the Irish Times).

President John F. Kennedy Dublin Airport1022 viewsPresident John F. Kennedy, accompanied by Captain Byrne and Colonel M. Hefferon (A.D.C. to President Kennedy) during his inspection of the Guard of Honour drawn from the Eastern Command, Dublin Airport (Courtesy of the Irish Times).

President John F. Kennedy Arbour Hill1233 viewsPresident John F. Kennedy studies the Arbour Hill 1916 Memorial, alongside students of the 36th Cadet Class and Commandant P. Daly, Taoiseach Mr. Sean Lemass, Commandant J. O’Brien (A.D.C. to the Taoiseach), Colonel M. Hefferon (A.D.C. to President Kennedy) and the Chief of Staff Lt. General S. McKeown, (Courtesy of the Irish Times).

President John F. Kennedy Dublin Airport1097 viewsPresident Kennedy accompanied by Captain Byrne and Colonel M. Hefferon, accredited A.D.C, during his inspection of the Guard of Honour drawn from the Eastern Command, Dublin Airport. Copy image held in the Private Collection of Lt Gen Sean McKeown.

President John F. Kennedy Green Park, Limerick1093 viewsPresident John F. Kennedy entertains the crowds gathered at Green Park Race Course, Limerick as he receives the Freedom of the City. Copy image held in the Private Collection of Lt. General S. McKeown.