Most viewed - IE/MA/ACPS/GPN/080 to IE/MA/ACPS/GPN/090
Recruiting Officer and Men Signing On [1922]812 viewsGlass plate copy negative with above caption "Answering the Call: Thousands of young DUBLIN men Arms issued by the IRISH GOVERNMENT. Photographs.. particular to Recruiting Officer." [FREEMAN PHOTO] Image, from 1922, shows two officers at a desk appearing to take particulars of a civilian man. A queue of men two abreast is formed neatly behind him.
Baldonnel Mosaic800 viewsGlass plate negative showing an aerial view of Baldonnel area.
Bomb Shelter Kilbride797 viewsGlass plate negative showing a World War II bomb shelter in Kilbride.
Observers - Five Officers and One Civilian795 viewsGlass plate copy negative showing observers standing outside a hut in a field. Two men are carrying binoculars. Two civilians are present in the photograph. One civilian is sitting at a desk and appears to be writing while smoking a pipe.
Lieutenant General Liam Archer Chief of Staff792 viewsGlass plate copy negative of a portrait of Lieutenant General Liam Archer.
Bren Light Machine Gun Description, Use and Mechanism768 viewsGlass plate negative of a document depicting the use and mechanism of the Bren Light Machine Gun
Main Trace Note - Beach751 viewsGlass plate negative of what appears to be a blank piece of paper with the words ' MAIN TRACE NOTE' and 'BEACH' written on the top. Possibly related to the coastal survey.
Reverend Fr. O'Riordan747 viewsGlass plate negative showing a portrait of Reverend Fr. O'Riordan.
Pope Pius XII733 viewsGlass plate copy negative of Pope Pius XII.
Baldonnel Camp709 viewsGlass plate copy negative showing a view of Baldonnel from the air.
Dundalk Bay Mosaic705 viewsGlass plate copy negative showing a mosaic of several aerial photographs. The images show a wide view of Dundalk bay.
11 files on 1 page(s)