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President John F. Kennedy Green Park, Limerick1094 viewsPresident John F. Kennedy entertains the crowds gathered at Green Park Race Course, Limerick as he receives the Freedom of the City. Copy image held in the Private Collection of Lt. General S. McKeown.
An tUachtarán Eamon DeValera and President John F. Kennedy Dublin Airport1094 viewsPresident John F. Kennedy, accompanied by An tUachtarán, Eamon DeValera acknowledges the assembled crowds gathered at Dublin Airport, following the welcome reception on the tarmac of Dublin Airport, (Courtesy of the Irish Times).
Boxing training.1094 viewsTwo men in boxing attire sparing while a referee looks on. Location, names and date is unknown.
Nice1093 viewsView of graveyard
Gibraltar1087 viewsGibraltar from Spanish roadway leading to La Linea
Nice1085 viewsIn Nice harbour (France) the L.E. Macha prepares to swing around prior to berthing.
An tUachtarán, Eamon DeValera and President John F. Kennedy1084 viewsAn tUachtarán, Eamon DeValera, formally welcomes President John F. Kennedy “A Uachtaráin Uasail. In aimn mhuintir na h-Eireann uile agus thar a gceann cuirim céad míle fáilte romhat […]”, Dublin Airport (Courtesy of the Irish Times).
Recruits, Cathal Brugha Barracks.1082 viewsGlass plate negative showing six recruits standing at ease at the church in Cathal Brugha Barracks sometime between 1930-1960.
Cavalry Corps recruits1081 viewsGlass plate negative showing a Cavalry Corps recruit standing on the foot pegs of a BS motorcycle while aiming a Lee Enfield rifle into the air. Possibly taken in Cathal Brugha Barracks between 1930-1960.
Nice1080 viewsView from the top of the terraced cemetery of Roquebrune, where Yeats was buried, looking out on the Mediterranean
Attention position third movement1077 viewsGlass plate negative showing an enlisted soldier demonstrating the third movement to be conducted once given the command to stand to attention with arms, taken in November 1924.
On the range1076 viewsGlass plate negative showing Irish soldiers firing Lee Enfield rifles on the range located in the Curragh Camp, County Kildare. c1930
President John F. Kennedy Dublin Airport1072 viewsPresident John F. Kennedy, accompanied by Captain Byrne and Colonel M. Hefferon (A.D.C. to President Kennedy) concluding inspection of the Guard of Honour drawn from the Eastern Command, Dublin Airport (Courtesy of the Irish Times).
Nice1070 viewsParty of Irish sailors parade to mass on a Sunday morning in Nice
Tug of war team in training1067 viewsGlass plate negative showing a tug of war team training. Names, dates and location is unknown.
Officer sword drill1067 viewsGlass plate negative showing an Officer dismounted with his Sword drawn held vertically in front of his face. Taken in McKee Barracks, Dublin, in 1927. Conducted under the supervision of Comdt Scott (Officers' Drill) Capt O'Dwyer and Comdt Ryan. Possibly used for a sword drill manual.
Mosaic Collinstown1063 viewsGlass plate copy negative of an aerial image of Collinstown taken at 4000 feet. The image shows Dublin airport and environs. Under the image details of the photograph are recorded as follows: Date: 10-6-37, Time: 10.00 HRS, Scale: R.F. 1/6850, F.L.: 7" , Height: 4,000'
Cavalry Corps recruits1062 viewsGlass plate negative showing a Trooper and a Cavalry Corps recruits sitting facing each other on a motorbike while the Trooper is playing an accordion. Possibly taken in Cathal Brugha Barracks between 1930-1960.
Gibraltar1061 viewsNew Guard marches to take over at the Governor's residence at Gibraltar
Military International Jumping Competition 19281055 viewsGlass plate negative of the Military International Jumping Competition held at Ballsbridge Show-Grounds during the Horse Show Week from the 7th August to 10th August 1928. Captain D Corry, Irish Army, can be seen taking the outer fence of the "Trap" on a horse called "Finghin" in the final round.
Avro Plane Ground1051 viewsGlass plate negatives of a ground image of an Avro 621 ( serial A9 ). Avro A9 had been delivered to Baldonnel Aerodrome on 17 April 1930 and was crashed at Maynooth 26 November 1930 and written-off. Image shows the Avro plane on grass with two officers in flightsuits posing in front of it.
Horse on Bridle1051 viewsGlass plate negative showing a unknown horse on bridle in McKee Barracks.
Arms Muzzle and bore examination1051 viewsGlass plate negative showing a soldier demonstrating the correct movement to conduct once given the command to report arms for inspection. Once this movement was completed an NCO or Officer would inspect the muzzle and bore for ammunition or dirt. Taken in November 1924.
68th Cadet Class 1991-931050 views
No. 1 Army Band1047 viewsGlass plate copy negative of a photograph of the army number one band posing with their instruments for a group portrait image at Portobello Barracks. Thirty-eight members of the army band, arranged in four rows pose with two officers in dress uniform.
The Salvage Corps dismantling a British Rest Camp.1044 viewsGlass plate negative showing men of the Salvage Corps demolishing a British Army Rest Camp near the London and North Western Hotel, North Wall in Dublin, sometime in 1923.
Group Photo in Front of Biplane, Copy1042 viewsGlass plate negative image of a group of Air Corps personnel posed in front of a Biplane.
Avro Plane Ground1039 viewsGlass plate negatives of a ground image of an Avro 621 ( serial A9 ). Avro A9 had been delivered to Baldonnel Aerodrome on 17 April 1930 and was crashed at Maynooth 26 November 1930 and written-off. Image shows the Avro plane on grass with two officers in flightsuits posing in front of it.
Nice1039 viewsIrish sailors of the L.E. Macha marching to Sunday morning Mass in Nice (France) 5/9/48
Military International Jumping Competition 19281032 viewsGlass plate negative of the Military International Jumping Competition which was held at Ballsbridge Show-Grounds during the Horse Show Week from the 7th August to 10th August 1928. Captain J G O'Dwyer of the Irish Army can be seen making a good clearance over the stile on a horse called "Cuchulain" in Final Round.
Rope Climbing1029 viewsGlass plate negative showing a recruit climbing a rope in a gymnasium wearing his combat webbing with scabbard attached and "Tommy" helmet, taken during or after the Emergency period.
IEMA-P-096-0031026 viewsIt was difficult to maintain boots for inspection. The periodical shortages of polish and the tough treatment caused by long marches and turf cutting meant many tough moments on the parade grounds.
Gibraltar1026 viewsGeneral view of Gibraltar harbour
Nice1026 viewsRatings and Petty Officers of the L.E. Macha forming up outside the Church of Our Lady of Notre Dame, Nice (France) after attending Mass, 5/9/48
RPRMC Disbandment Parade1024 viewsGlass plate negative showing General Mulcahy and General McMahon receiving the National flag and unit Colours at the Disbandment Parade for the RPRMC.
President John F. Kennedy Dublin Airport1022 viewsPresident John F. Kennedy, accompanied by Captain Byrne and Colonel M. Hefferon (A.D.C. to President Kennedy) during his inspection of the Guard of Honour drawn from the Eastern Command, Dublin Airport (Courtesy of the Irish Times).
RPRMC Disbandment Parade1022 viewsGlass plate negative showing General Mulcahy and Major Russell, O/C RPRMC, inspection the soldiers of the RPRMC at their Disbandment parade sometime in 1924.
Unmounted officer with drawn sword held at shoulder height1020 viewsSword drill under supervision of Capt Flanagan and Capt Nolan at McKee Barracks Dublin
Military International Jumping Competition 19281009 viewsGlass plate negative of the Military International Jumping Competition which was held at Ballsbridge Show-Grounds during the Horse Show Week from the 7th August to 10th August 1928. This particular glass plate shows Captain D Corry from Ireland taking the stone wall on a horse called "Roisin Dubh".
Recruits, McKee Barracks, Dublin.1008 viewsA section of recruits standing at ease outside the equitation school in McKee Barracks.
Nice1006 viewsGang-plank goes ashore from the first Irish warship, the L.E. Macha, to berth at any Mediterranean port. Seaman Joe Higgins of Youghal was first rating ashore on French soil
Officer sword drill1003 viewsGlass plate negative showing a mounted officer with is sword drawn. Conducted under the supervision of a Captain Nolan at McKee Barracks, Dublin in 1927 for a sword drill manual.
Bristol Fighter (22)999 viewsGlass plate negative of a Bristol Fighter (Type 14) F2B Fighter Mk II on the ground. F2B serial 22 served Baldonnel from 4 Nov 1925 to July 1935.
Nice997 viewsIrish ratings and P.Os. Forming up outside the Church of Our Lady of Notre Dame in Nice
Infantry squad with Lewis gun in arrow head formation996 viewsGlass plate negative showing a section of soldiers practising their tactical drills. This formation was know as the "arrow head" formation. Note the "Vickers helmets", Lee Enfield rifles and Lewis Machine guns.
ARS992 viewsGlass plate negative of various bi-planes being serviced inside a hangar. Included in the image are a Bristol Fighter F2B, an Avro 504K and two De Havilland DH9s, one of which appears to be serial number 6. The latter was converted to a two seater training plane.
Volunteer Force Artillery Gun Crew992 viewsVolunteer Force Artillery Gun crew being put through their drills on an 18-pdr field gun, by a Regular army NCO. Taken in McKee Barracks, Dublin, on the parade square in front of the Officers Mess sometime between 1934-1939.
Nice990 viewsFrench crowds gather to watch the L.E. Macha berth at Nice
Nice990 viewsFrench crowds at Nice interested in the L.E. Macha

An armoured train.988 viewsGlass plate negative showing a flat wagon with an armoured protective housing, a 0-6-0 steam locomotive and a six wheeled brake wagon.
Gymnastic display in a gymnasium987 viewsGymnastic display team conducting various movements in a unknown gymnasium.
Air Corps Group Photograph985 viewsGlass plate copy negative of an early Air Corps group photo. Image shows forty Air Corps personnel posing in a group shot in front of a hangar at Baldonnel.
BF III Crash982 viewsGlass plate copy negatives of Bristol Fighter F2B Fighter serial III which crashed at Naas, Kildare 17 July 1922. Images shows the wreck of the aricraft on the ground taken from each both sides and the rear. The aircraft had arrived in Baldonnel 10 July 1922. Glass plate one has been identifed on the envelope as Bristol Fighter II which was delivered to Baldonnel 4 July 1922 and was written off after a crash at Castlebagot, Baldonnel 23 Jan 1924 in which Lieutenant R. T. Nevin was killed. The image, however, appears to be that of the BF III crash on 17 July 1922. Glass plate two and three both show the serial number of the aircraft BF III.
Michael Collins Lying In State982 viewsGlass plate copy negative of Michael Collins lying in state. Collins is lying on a bed with a bandage wrapped around his forehead. The photograph is taken from a low side view with several Irish Free State Officers partly visible in the background.
Dash First position 982 viewsArmy Signal Corps Training with Morse Flags and Dummy Keys (Flags). This signal was the command to "Dash to First Position".Taken at Naas Barracks under the supervision of Comdt Gantly of Army Signal Corps for use in Signal Corps Bulletin, taken on the 20 May 1927.
Wolfe Tone Commemoration, Bodenstown, County Kildare, 1926981 viewsA unit on Parade during the Wolfe Tone Commemoration in 1926. The soldiers in the rear are presenting arms with rifles while the Officers in the front are in the process of conducting the salute with sword.
Tallaght Aerodrome980 views
IEMA-P-062-370978 viewsCompany officers holding an ‘O’ (orders) group prior to an attack on the ‘Enemy’.
Officer sword drill976 viewsGlass plate negative showing an Officer mounted on horseback with his sword drawn, right arm extended to side, sword held vertically. Taken at McKee Barracks, Dublin. Conducted under the supervision of Comdt Scott (Officers' Drill) Capt O'Dwyer and Comdt Ryan on the 16 August 1927
IEMA-P-062-375975 viewsTaking a well earned rest from turf cutting – Killamuck Camp, Abbeyleix, Co. Carlow. – 23 July 1943.
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